This weekend I turned 30, and I’m not complaining. I’m kind of glad to be leaving my 20s, because even with its amazing ups, I also feel like it came with challenges and growing pains. I’m entering my 30s feeling more confident, more free, and more content than ever. It seems like it only get better as it goes.
Photo from the amazing 20s party for me and my friend Desiree, put together by our husbands; PC: Desiree
So in honor of my 30th birthday, I am sharing some new philosophies I’m focusing on for this season of life. Some of these are coming about because of new realizations and inspiration. While on the other hand, some are here because it’s just too exhausting to worry all the time about perfection and what people think. I’m ready to take on some new things, and let others go.
Here you’ll find some popular quotes, some scriptures, and some of my own bits of experience. I hope you find some inspiration here as well. Here are 30 mantras for my 30s:
1. You can do anything, but not everything.
2. Savor every moment, rather than waiting for the perfect one.
3. You are “God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God himself prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
4. Be kind to your body, your mind, your heart, and those around you, and they will be kind to you.
5. Make it a mission to add beauty and lift up.
6. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown
7. There’s no such thing as having it all together.
8. Take others at their word, and make it so others can take you at yours.
9. Celebrate the small things.
10. Less stuff, more substance.
11. “Coming undone is part of coming alive.” – Lara Casey, Cultivate
12. Choose to put your effort towards what really matters, and let go of the rest.
13. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” – Jeremiah 17:7
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously.
15. Spend less times in the shoulds, the woulds, and the coulds.
16. Take it one step at a time.
17. You have to fight for anything worth having.
18. Find what’s best.
19. Be a voice, not an echo.
20. “A rising tide lifts all boats.” – John F. Kennedy
21. Less media, more social.
22. It’s okay to have a day.
23. Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8 (NIV, paraphrased)
24. You have control over your own thoughts and attitudes.
25. Be fearlessly authentic.
26. “Good for her! Not for me.” – Amy Poehler, Yes Please
27. Go, do, act, start.
28. “The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet. ” – Monadesa Najumi
29. Take advantage of the times you get to be silly and goofy, and go all out.
30. Yes, you can.
Which mantra resonates with you? And finally, what’s a mantra of yours?
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